Monday, September 4, 2017

Phoenix - A knock-out!

Can't believe i haven't posted this one yet - it's one of the best of the last five or so years, not just the darkroom print, but the hand-coloring too.
Yes, ladies and gents, this is darkroom, not digital.

I did a scan, and went after that in P'shop, it didn't take long to see how much potential this one had.


So i did some detail coloring w/ watercolors,


.........and then went full tilt w/ oils. Fortunately this was on Ilford's fiber based matte paper, which takes color very, very well. It speaks for itself, and the much richer result that comes from analog / real colors on real paper, cotton balls and Q-tips. The blending is much subtler. I've spent plenty of time doing digital colorizing, and folks, it just ain't the same. I can't get the same sky blue out of P'shop that i can out of a tube.

The final 'Phoenix' - though perhaps that's a contradiction in terms. 
A phoenix isn't final, it's a new beginning.